Biomarker Colocalization
Quantify relative protein expression of up to 4 proteins per exosome
Count Extracellular vesicles
Count the number of antigen-positive exosomes direct from sample, no purification required
Size Extracellular vesicles
Acquire high-resolution measurements of the size of individual antigen-positive exosomes
Extracellular vesicle cargo
Probe for luminal exosomal proteins and cargo in single exosomes
Detect lowest-abundance proteins with single-binding-event sensitivity across 3 color channels
Streamlined workflow
Reduce hands-on time and increase sample throughput with automated measurement and parallel sample preparation
Purification not required
Detect the changes in your sample, not the biases from your purification technique
Validated assays
Innovate with custom assays using a range of validated capture antibodies available and custom chip design
A step forward in characterization capabilities within the exosome and extracellular vesicle field. The fully automated platform provides multi-level and comprehensive measurements for exosome size analysis, exosome count, phenotype, and biomarker colocalization. The ExoView™ platform provides previously unattainable information in a single, bias and purification free sample workflow.
ExoView™ Cargo Kits contain single use microarray chips for use with the ExoView™ R100 imaging platform.
The ExoView™ Cargo Kit contains sensitive and specific protein microarrays for purification-free characterization of exosomes. Exosomes can be sized, counted and phenotyped by either surface or internal luminal protein biomarkers.
16 ExoView cargo chips
4 labeled secondary antibodies (CD9, CD63, CD81 and Syntenin)
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Measure virus size, count and cargo without the need for purification. NanoView assays can be customized against specific viral proteins
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